Uniform History

Daughters of America catalogue circa 1920


Catalogue for the Daughters of America (not to be confused with 'Daughters of the American Revolution'), women's auxiliary of the Junior Order of United American Mechanics. Daughters of America was a nativist secret society that popular in the 1920s and 30s (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daughters_of_America), concurrent with (but not directly connected to) the KKK. Features supplies for lodges, badges, and a variety of regalia with patriotic and Christian themes. Some of the 'headdresses' resemble the caps of soldiers and workers. 32 pages, includes a price list and order form. Ward-Stilson was an offshot of C.E. Ward, based in Anderson, Indiana. The company manufactured regalia for a variety of secret socities. For a short period, it sold a line of non-uniform workwear under the label 'Maisonette Frocks.'

Daughters of America catalogue circa 1920
Ward-Stilson Co.
Heather Akou
Creation Date
1900 to 1950
'secret societies' 'early-20th'

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