Uniform History


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Surgeon General report on military uniforms

Report, 1868

Report from the US Surgeon General, Alfred Woodhull, regarding the impact of US Army uniforms on the physical and mental health of soldiers. It suggests reforms in the materials, construction, and use (i.e. layering) of clothing items and accesso...

National Defense Act

Law, 1916

The 'National Defense Act' was debated under the Wilson administration and passed in preparation for likely involvement in WWI. Although it focuses on the organization of military branches in the United States, this was also the first law making ...

Article on prison uniforms

Preprint, 2020

Academic article about the history of prison uniforms in the United States and their impact on popular culture (films, costumes, fashion, etc.). Citation: Heather Akou, 'Prison Uniforms on the Outside: Intersections with US Popular Culture,' Fash...

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