Uniform History

Meter maid press photo 1985


Press photo showing a Black meter maid (Parking Control Officer), Andrea Bernard, in New Orleans wearing a short-sleeved button-down uniform shirt with a badge, belt, and sunglasses (no cap). She is placing a parking ticket on the windshield of a car. Contributing writer identified as Ron Virgets. Newsprint taped to the back of the press photo was published in the Times-Picayune, but this particular photograph was an unpublished extra. Dated July 12, 1985. Purchased by Heather Akou on eBay. Article notes, 'Andrea Bernard says her black rubber-soled shoes from the Army surplus store will last her six months, if she sews the soles and caps the heels. Small wonder. A day in the life of Andrea Bernard involves 7 1/2 hours of combing a section of the French Quarter between St. Louis Cathedral and St. Jude's Shrine on North Rampart Street. [ ... ]... it's hard to find a job more feared or reviled than the one performed by Bernard and her 100 or so colleagues in the city's Parking Control Division.' Barcode from historicimages.com (nob94873).

Meter maid press photo 1985
Ronnie Virgets
Heather Akou
Creation Date
'government' 'late-20th'

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