Catalogue for the Daughters of America (not to be confused with 'Daughters of the American Revolution'), women's auxiliary of the Junior Order of United American Mechanics. Daughters of America was a nativist secret society that popular in the 1920s and 30s (, concurrent with (but not directly connected to) the KKK. Features supplies for lodges, badges, and a variety of regalia with patriotic and Christian themes. Some of the 'headdresses' resemble the caps of soldiers and workers. 32 pages, includes a price list and order form. Ward-Stilson was an offshot of C.E. Ward, based in Anderson, Indiana. The company manufactured regalia for a variety of secret socities. For a short period, it sold a line of non-uniform workwear under the label 'Maisonette Frocks.'
Title | Daughters of America catalogue circa 1920 |
Creator | Ward-Stilson Co. |
Contributor | Heather Akou |
Creation Date | 1900 to 1950 |
'secret societies' 'early-20th' |
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