Catalogue of 'uniforms, costumes, and supplies' for the Knights Templar, an auxiliary of the Freemasons. All items in the catalogue were manufactured by C.E. Ward Company based in New London, Ohio (a prominent manufacturer of regalia for various secret societies). The Knights Templar was a 'militant' branch that drew symbolism/meaning from the Knights Templar of the Crusades. Clothing and accessories were inspired by US Army uniforms from the mid-19th century: collapsible caps known as 'chapeau de bras' (which could be worn or carried under the arm), kepi hats, swords and sheaths, heavily-embroidered epaulets and shoulder patches with Christian crosses, fatigue coats, and dress coats (all dark blue). Sashes connected the group to the Freemasons. Items could be purchased in sets (11 different options) along with a suitcase to keep everything neatly packed away when not in use. The last illustration shows two lavish examples of priest-like robes for closed ceremonies, promising them to be 'authentically correct in every detail.' All other items were for parades and other public ceremonies. 48 pages. Back cover shows the factory and offices in New London, Ohio.
Title | Knights Templar catalogue circa 1920 |
Creator | C.E. Ward Company |
Contributor | Heather Akou |
Creation Date | 1900 to 1950 |
'secret societies' 'early-20th' |
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