Uniform History

Judy Garland in 'The Harvey Girls' 1945


Promotional postcard mailed in December 1945 ('The Harvey Girls' by MGM was released in January 1946). Shows one of the main characters, Judy Garland, wearing the uniform of a Harvey House waitress. The ankle-length black dress with white apron and white cuffs was an accurate depiction of the uniform, designed by Theresa dell Angelica (co-founder of a small manufacturing business that would eventually become Angelica Uniform Co.) for Fred Harvey in the 1880s. First-known mass-produced work uniform for women in the United States. Back of the postcard reads, 'The story of the Harvey Girls is being told on the screen in a new Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Technicolor musical production, starring Judy Garland. THE HARVEY GIRLS tells how Fred Harvey waitresses of the 1890s brought romance and civilizing influence to a typical frontier town.' Sent to a recipient in North Carolina.

Judy Garland in 'The Harvey Girls' 1945
Heather Akou
Creation Date
'corporate' 'early-20th'

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