Postcard from Terrace Hilton Hotel in Cincinnati, Ohio. Shows a doorman at the entrance to the hotel's lounge wearing an Orientalist uniform with black pants and shoes, a long white tunic with a red sash, and a white turban with red decorations. 3 by 5 inches. Never mailed, may have been a promotional item. Back of the postcard reads, 'The KASBAH Cocktail lounge is patterned after the original Moroccan Kasbah. Twinkling stars and tropical plants create a romantic outdoor setting. Colorful murals, Moroccan canapes and cocktails, and Abdullah, at the entrance extending a warm welcome to our guests, further enhance the exotic atmosphere.' The Terrace Hilton (originally the Terrace Plaza Hotel) opened in 1948 and was very avant garde for the time. For more information see:
Title | Hilton doorman circa 1960 |
Creator | Hilton Hotels |
Contributor | Heather Akou |
Creation Date | 1954 to 1968 |
'corporate' 'hospitality' 'mid-20th' |
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